Fences have been installed at Oak Meadows Park (99th & 51st Ave.) in preparation for construction to begin on improving Oak Meadows Park. The Oak Lawn Park District was awarded a $600,000 matching grant as part of the Open Space Land Acquisition & Development Grant (OSLAD) to help fund this project.
Improvements at Oak Meadows Park includes updating the current asphalt trails, softball field, playground, basketball court, and water fountain. Additionally, the following amenities will be added:
- Soccer Field
- Pollinator Garden
- Rain Garden
- Bird Habitat
- Shelter with lights and picnic tables
- Benches
- ADA game tables
- Bike racks
Oak Lawn Park District held two Community Input Meetings and incorporated feedback from those meetings into the design. Additionally, the proposed path that loops around the park fills a need that is consistently ranked high by residents as a result of our Community Needs Survey.
“One of the best parts of this project is the improvements to the natural areas of this park”, said executive director, Tom Hartwig. “The bird houses, rain garden, and pollinator garden will provide biodiversity support, habitat restoration, stormwater management, education, nesting opportunities, predator protection, and pest control.”
Work on this project be completed next year.